Aveva - Levex

AVEVA™ MES – Model Drive

AVEVA™ Manufacturing Execution System – Model Drive

Module 1 – Introduction

Section 1 – Course Introduction

This section describes the objectives, prerequisites, intended audience, and agenda for the course.

Section 2 – Overview of Model-Driven MES

This section introduces the Model-Driven MES approach, providing an initial overview and an explanation of the benefits of the approach.

Module 2 – Introduction to Model Builder

Section 1 – Overview

This section describes the use and benefits of Model Builder. It explains how to build the MES model.

Section 2 – Create a Navigation Menu

This section provides details of how to create a menu in Enterprise Console, using the MD Core Card Control Form.

Section 3 – Introduction to MES Master Data

This section provides details of how to create the Master Data in MES, using the Model Builder to load the Master Data in MES.

Section 4 – Add Entity Access

This section provides details of how to add Entity Access to a user in MES.

Section 5 – Generate System Platform Model

This section provides details of how to use Model Builder to generate a System Platform model.

Section 6 – Run Model in Model-Driven MES

This section provides an overview of how to execute a model in Model-Driven MES.

Section 7 – MD Core and Card Navigation

This section describes the MD Core components and Card Control Form used for navigation of the Plant Model.

Module 3 – Best Practices Approach in Model-Driven MES

Section 1 – Model-Driven MES Localization

This section describes the best practices for localization in Model-Driven MES.

Section 2 – Security and Roles Mapping

This section describes the best practice for security and roles in workflows in Model-Driven MES.

Section 3 – Workflow Package Management

This section provides the best practices when packaging the forms and workflows in Workflow Management.

Module 4 – Extend Model-Driven MES and Best Practices

Section 1 – Extend Job and Inventory Management

This section describes how to extend Model-Driven MES forms using the Job Summary, Job Management, and Inventory Management forms.

Section 2 – General Guidelines

This section describes Forms, Business Logic, Lookups, and Application packages.

Section 3 – Workflow Functionality

This section describes different activities of Workflow Management.

Section 4 – Extend Model-Driven MES Workflow

This section describes how to extend the Model-Driven MES workflows to add new functionality.

Section 5 – Style Sheets and Themes

This section discusses how to embed custom style sheets and themes in Workflow Management.

Section 6 – Parameters to Forms

This section describes the general guidelines to use parameters in Workflow Management forms.

Module 5 – Introduction to MQTT

Section 1 – Interface MQTT with Forms

This section discusses MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) in detail, and integration with External Web API.

Section 2 – Base Form and Human Activities

This section describes the Base Form and Human Activities in Workflow Management.

Section 3 – MQTT Connectivity with System Platform

This section provides details on interfacing MQTT with System Platform.

Module 6 – Introduction to AMQP and Quickflow in Workflow Management

Section 1 – AMQP vs. MQTT

This section discusses AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) vs. MQTT and provides a demonstration of AMQP.

Section 2 – Introduction to Quickflow

This section provides an overview of Quickflow, which helps to create a system that executes the business logic faster. The system uses micro workflow execution engines running parallel to the workflow engine.